The 500 Watt infrared ruby heater bulb with R7 push fit fitting fits many small wall mounted heaters and parasol heaters the mot common being the Heatmaster U3 & U4. Heatmaster originally used the wire connection SK15 lamps but some time ago changed to the easy R7 push fit, we now only stock the push fit type 500 watt bulbs.
500 Watt infrared ruby heater bulb.
Fits Heatmaster parasol heater.
UK 230 Volt (220 - 240) input.
Infrared heat output 0.5 kilowatt.
R7 R7S simple push fit.
Spare or replacement element for 500 watt parasol heater lamp.
Heated area up to 4 square meter.
Genuine 500 watt heater bulb.
Width 11.8 cm / 118 mm / 4 5/8 inch.